
发布时间:2021-11-22  浏览次数:






Ø 基本情况:


2008.9-2012.6 材料科学与工程,北京航空航天大学,本科

2012.9-2018.6 信息功能材料,北京航空航天大学,博士


2018.92021.5 德国马普所固体物理化学研究所(Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe)Claudia Felser课题组,斯格明子研究小组组长,博士后。研究课题:新型高性能磁性存储材料,自旋再取向与斯格明子

2021.52022.5 爱尔兰三一学院(Trinity College Dublin)J.M.D Coey磁性与自旋电子学课题组,博士后、研究小组组长。研究课题:补偿型亚铁磁

2022.6至今 特种功能材料课题组。研究课题:1:12型永磁材料


论著情况:第一/通讯SCI论文18篇,其中顶级期刊:1Nature; 1Advanced Materials; 1Nature Communications; 3Advanced Functional Materials3Acta Materialia

Ø 主讲课程:


Ø 研究方向:




Ø 教学科研成果





(1) Claudia Felser, Yangkun He, Rare Earth Metal-free Hard Magnets, 2021-03-04, 欧洲, MI 1303-6197-LC-WA. (专利)

(2) Claudia Felser, Yangkun He, Magnetic Bubble Memory, 2020-10-29, 欧洲, MI 1303-6129-LC-WA. (专利)

(3) 蒋成保,贺杨堃,张天丽,刘敬华,一种掺杂微量不固溶大原子引起畸变增强的巨磁致伸缩材料及制备方法,2017-04-26ZL201510404620.6(发明专利)


[1] Yangkun He,# Yongjun Han, P. Stamenov, B. Kundys, J. M. D. Coey, Chengbao Jiang* and Huibin Xu, Investigating non-Joulian magnetostriction, Nature 556, E5-E7 (2018).

[2] Yangkun He,#* Gerhard H. Fecher,* Chenguang Fu,Yu Pan,Kaustuv Manna,Johannes Kroder,Ajay Jha,Xiao Wang,Zhiwei Hu,Stefano Agrestini,Javier Herrero-Martín,Manuel Valvidares,Yurii Skourski,Walter Schnelle, Plamen Stamenov, Horst Borrmann, Liu Hao Tjeng, Rudolf Schaefer, Stuart S. P. Parkin, John Michael D. Coey, Claudia Felser, A New Highly Anisotropic Rh‐Based Heusler Compound for Magnetic Recording, Advanced Materials 32, 2004331 (2020).

[3] Yangkun He,#* Jacob Gayles, Mengyu Yao, Toni Helm, Tommy Reimann, Vladimir N. Strocov, Walter Schnelle, Michael Nicklas, Yan Sun, Gerhard H. Fecher and Claudia Felser, Large linear non-saturating magnetoresistance and high mobility in ferromagnetic MnBi, Nature Communications 12, 4576 (2021).

[4] Yangkun He,#* Peter Adler, Sebastian Schneider, Ivan Soldatov, Qingge Mu, Horst Borrmann, Walter Schnelle, Rudolf Schaefer, Bernd Rellinghaus, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia FelserIntrinsic magnetic properties of a highly anisotropic rare-earth-free Fe2P-based magnet, Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2107513 (2021).

[5] Rui Zhang,# Yangkun He*, Kaiyun Chen, Sen Yang, Siddhartha Sen, and J. M. D. Coey*, Influence of topology on the phase transition of a ferromagnetic metal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, e2302466120 (2023)


[1] Yangkun He, #* Zsolt Gercsi, JMD Coey, A fully compensated ferrimagnetic half metal Co1−xCrxS2 with Curie temperature above room temperature, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 143906 (2023).

[2] Yangkun He, #* Zsolt Gercsi, Rui Zhang, Yu Kang, Yurii Skourski, Lucy Prendeville, Orrie Larmour, Jean Besbas, Claudia Felser, Plamen Stamenov, JMD Coey, Au4Mn: A localized ferromagnet with strong spin-orbit coupling, long-range ferromagnetic exchange, and high Curie temperature, Physical Review B 106, 214414 (2022).

[3] Yu Kang, #* Yujia Han,# Hedong Chen, Horst Borrmann, Peter Adler, Darius Pohl, Martin Hantusch, Markus König, Yangkun He,* Yufei Ma, Xiaodong Wang, Claudia Felser*, Ruthenium-Alloyed Iron Phosphide Single Crystal with Increased Fermi Level for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14,  55587 (2022).

[4] Yangkun He, #* Simon Lenne, Zsolt Gercsi, Gwenael Atcheson, Jack O'Brien, Daniel Fruchart, Karsten Rode, J.M.D. Coey, Noncollinear ferrimagnetism and anomalous Hall effects in Mn4N thin films, Physical Review B 106, L060409 (2022).

[5] Rui Zhang,# Yangkun He, #* Daniel Fruchart, J.M.D. Coey, Zsolt Gercsi, Rare-earth-free noncollinear metallic ferrimagnets Mn4-xZxN with compensation at room temperature, Acta Materialia 234, 118021 (2022).

[6] Yangkun He, #* Toni Helm, Ivan Soldatov, Sebastian Schneider, Darius Pohl, Abhay Kant Srivastava, Ankit Kumar Sharma, Johannes Kroder, Walter Schnelle, Rudolf Schaefer, Bernd Rellinghaus, Gerhard H. Fecher, Stuart S. P. Parkin, and Claudia Felser, Nanoscale magnetic bubbles in Nd2Fe14B at room temperature, Physical Review B 105, 064426 (2022).

[7] Yangkun He,#* Sebastian Schneider, Toni Helm, Jacob Gayles, Daniel Wolf, Ivan Soldatov, Horst Borrmann, Walter Schnelle, Rudolf Schaefer, Gerhard H. Fecher, Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Topological Hall effect arising from the mesoscopic and microscopic non-coplanar magnetic structure in MnBi, Acta Materialia 226, 117619 (2022).

[8] Yangkun He,#* Romain Sibille, Dong Chen, Johannes Kroder, Toni Helm, Walter Schnelle, Claudia Felser, and Gerhard H. Fecher, Anisotropic magnetization, critical temperature, and paramagnetic Curie temperature in the highly anisotropic magnetic Heusler compound Rh2CoSb, Physical Review B 103, 214436 (2021).

[9] Yangkun He, #* Johannes Kroder, Jacob Gayles, Chenguang Fu, Yu Pan, Walter Schnelle, Claudia Felser, and Gerhard H. Fecher, Large topological Hall effect in an easy-cone ferromagnet (Cr0.9B0.1)Te, Applied Physics Letters117, 052409 (2020).

[10] Yangkun He,# Gerhard H. Fecher,* Johannes Kroder, Horst Borrmann, Xiao Wang, Lunyong Zhang, Chang-Yang Kuo, Cheng-En Liu, Chien-Te Chen, Kai Chen, Fadi Choueikani,  Philippe Ohresser, Arata Tanaka, Zhiwei Hu, and Claudia Felser, Easy-cone magnetic structure in (Cr0.9B0.1)Te, Applied Physics Letters 116, 102404 (2020).

[11] Wei Xia#, Yangkun He,# Houbing Huang, Hui Wang, Xiaoming Shi, Tianli Zhang,* Jinghua Liu, Plamen Stamenov, Longqing Chen, John Michael David Coey, Chengbao Jiang,* Initial Irreversible Losses and Enhanced High‐Temperature Performance of Rare‐Earth Permanent Magnets, Advanced Functional Materials 29, 1900690 (2019).

[12] Yangkun He,# Xiaoqin Ke,# Chengbao Jiang,* Naihua Miao, Hui Wang, John Michael David Coey, Yunzhi Wang, Huibin Xu, Interaction of Trace Rare‐Earth Dopants and Nanoheterogeneities Induces Giant Magnetostriction in Fe‐Ga Alloys, Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1800858 (2018).

[13] Yangkun He,# Chengbao Jiang,* J.M.D. Coey, Huibin Xu, Joulian magnetostriction of Galfenol Fe83Ga17, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 466, 351-353 (2018).

[14] Yangkun He,# J.M.D. Coey, Rudolf  Schaefer, Chengbao Jiang,* Determination of bulk domain structure and magnetization processes in bcc ferromagnetic alloys: Analysis of magnetostriction in Fe83Ga17, Physical Review Materials 2, 014412 (2018).

[15] Yangkun He,# Chengbao Jiang,* Wei Wu, Bin Wang, Huiping Duan, Hui Wang, Tianli Zhang, Jingmin Wang, Jinghua Liu, Zaoli Zhang, Plamen Stamenov, J. M. D. Coey, Huibin Xu, Giant heterogeneous magnetostriction in Fe–Ga alloys: Effect of trace element doping, Acta Materialia 109, 177-186 (2016).
